Where We Perform

 We usually perform on Wednesday evenings at :


Park Theatre

Clifton Terrace, Finsbury Park, London N4 3JP

Very close to Finsbury Park tube.
How to get there

Regent’s University Inner Circle

Regent’s Park, NW1 4NS Studio 1 (DB11).

Regent's University is on the inner ring of Regent's Park, about 7 mins walk from Baker Street Station.
Exit the tube station onto Marylebone Road and turn left past Madame Tussaud, take next left into York Gate and continue straight on at the crossroads.  Over York Bridge the road starts to curve and a minute or so later the entrance to Regent's University will appear on the left.  Once inside directions to the performance will be sign posted.

It is possible to park on the inner ring (check times).

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The Oak and Pastor, Archway, London N19

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The help of the NLA has made all the difference to me as a writer trying to establish myself.
Lucy Bell, writer

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